Planet Coaster 2 is the highly anticipated sequel to the acclaimed theme park simulation game created and distributed by Frontier Developments. Building upon the success of its predecessor, this multiplayer version introduces a plethora of new features and enhancements that elevate the theme park creation and management experience to unprecedented heights. Frontier Developments, a British […]
Control Ultimate Edition is a surreal action-adventure game created by Remedy Entertainment and distributed by 505 Games. Known for its mind-bending narrative and cutting-edge technology, Control is a testament to Remedy’s expertise in creating atmospheric worlds and compelling gameplay. With a blend of supernatural elements, environmental storytelling, and intricate gameplay mechanics, it quickly became a […]
Death Stranding is a action genre game, and is the initial entry of Kojima Productions game as an independent studio. As a result, is an open-world action game released in 2019 and now playable on the PS4, PS5 and PCs. The Metal Gear series creator, Hideo Kojima, was the creative director & writer of Death […]